Heartfelt congratulations to Zsuzsi (MSc), Petra (MSc), Bálint (BSc) and Dang (BSc) for their outstanding performance at the final exams.
We are a little sad, because Petra, Bálint and Dang are leaving our group, but we wish you all success and happiness in your further work. Of course, we will see each other at the group parties ;)
On the other hand, we are delighted that Zsuzsi is continuing her work as a new PhD student in our group. We hope that these next few years will bring success in your carrier and also new friends and lots of fun.
Congratulation once again to everybody, and thank you for the amazing celebration dinner we spent together, where the following picture was made. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to celebrate together with us, they sure missed out on some delicious food and great jokes.